Awase Kenpo Kai

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AKK History

Origins of Awase Kenpo Karate-Do


Soke Schenck, 1993

The historical roots of kenpo are found in the Chinese Martial Arts Known as Chuan-Fa (Fist Methods). More than 2000 years ago, China was the cultural trendsetter of the orient. As warfare and commerce began to spread Chuan-Fa throughout Asia, these Chinese arts began to be combined with the indigenous arts of other countries. This was especially the case of mainland Japan and the island of Okinawa.


As Kenpo began to be established in lands outside China, at first it was practiced and taught in the same manner as in China. Over time, the differences in language, cultural distance, and political ideas began to alter these Chinese arts into other, eclectic arts. Kenpo is the art that was developed by mainland Japanase and Okinowans at this time. The art of Karate was further developed prior to World War II, and in many cases much of the Chinese influences were abandonded. Awase Kenpo is a truly eclectic art that shares its roots with China and Japan in Sijo Grandmaster/Dr. Daniel K. Pai (Pai-Lum Kenpo), Sifu Pat Crain (Pai-Lum Kenpo), Dai Soke Wally Jay (Small Circle Ju-Jitsu), Soke/Dr. Clement G. Riedner (Shiho Karano and Kakko-Ryu Ju-Jitsu), Shihan Taro Ishikawa and Robert Fucello (Shotokan and Kobudo), Soke George Lopez (Aiki-Jitsu), Soke/Dr. Rod Sackronowski (Juko-Ryu), Dai Soke Hohan Soken (Matsummura Seito Shorin-Ryu), Dai Soke Edmund Parker (American Kenpo), Si gung Tsung Tan Lu (Shoalin Seven Animal Chuan-Fa), Si Gung Robert Simmons (Hsing-I Chuan-fa) and Shihan Takahiko Ishikawa (Judo and Jujitsu).

Gone But Not Forgotten

It must be said here that Sijo Pai and Dai Soke Parker were truly the first pioneers to bring Kenpo to the United States. Both of these great martial artists have passed away, but their legacies still continue very powerfully throughout the world.

Kenpo Today

Today's Kenpo styles vary vastly from one type to another. Some use Chinese terminology, some use Japanese terminology, and some use only English. Regardless of the language they are taught in, all the Kenpo styles stem fromt he same Chinese Shaolin Chuan-Fa.

Awase Kenpo Karate-Do

AKK is a blend of Okinawan Matsumura Seito Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do, Chinese Hawaiian Kenpo, and Japanese Kenpo-Jitsu. The Okinawan Karate techniques stress very powerful blocks, punches, and kicks that move in linear combinations of defense and attacks. The Chinese-Hawaiian Kenpo stresses all circular blocks, strikes, kicks, and sweeps. This art developed from the migration of Chinese Kung Fu to Hawaii, where it combined with an ancient Hawaiian martial art called Lua. The Kenpo-Jitsu part of training is a blend of Ju-Jitsu and Aikijitsu. This art is applied when you are in physical contact with your opponent. The art uses joint locks, joint bends, throwing techniques, chokes, pressure points, and pins.


Soke Schenck with his instructor
Dai Soke George Lopez, 10th Dan
New Jersey Aiki-Jitsu Association

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"Other martial arts schools teach people new things, but our dojo teaches people to be someone new!" -Soke Herschel Schenck
